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Sarah: The first book in Marek Halter's Canaan Trilogy

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The second book in Marek Halter's besteslling Canaan Trilogy, Zipporah, Wife of Moses, tells the story of the ethiopian woman who changed the destiny of the prophet and his people.

Orphaned shortly after her birth, the infant Zipporah is taken in by Jethro, high priest and sage of the Midianites, a tribe of the Arabian Peninsula. Jethro adores his adopted daughter and she becomes an honored member of his family, but Zipporah is a Cushite—an African—and her blackness marks her as an outsider. No Midianite man will have her as a wife.

But, one day, while drawing water from a well, Zipporah meets a stranger, a fugitive from Egypt who is tormented by his past. His name is Moses, and although he was raised in the house of the Pharaoh, he is a Hebrew, a member of the slave class, and has fled Egypt after killing one of the Pharaoh's overseers. Zipporah and Moses fall in love, but she refuses to marry him, even though they have two children together. First, she insists, Moses must accept his destiny—to return to Egypt and lead his people out of slavery. When God reveals himself to Moses in the burning bush, His words echo Zipporah's and Moses returns to confront Pharaoh, armed with what he has learned from Zipporah about the force of justice and the liberation of the oppressed.

Featuring a bold, spirited woman of color as its protagonist, Zipporah will appeal to a wide range of readers and is the perfect next subject for Halter's Canaan Trilogy.

> Click here to read an excerpt.

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