Sexy Brothaman Contest
for A Love of My Own

In A Love of My Own, Bling Bling magazine runs a contest for the Sexiest Brothaman alive, so we decided to run a contest, too.

And the results are in! Congratulations to our stunning winner, Kevin M. Scott (above) and the three very sexy runners-up, Maurice Gardner, Jeffrey Bowens, and Dwayne Hinton. You'll find the winning essay below, along with the runner-up photos and links to their heartwarming essays.

Andrea M. Magwood on Kevin M. Scott

He's usually the player, the unfaithful, the liar, the cheat, the womanizer. But this is only when he is on stage or in front of the camera. Kevin Scott simply knows how to play the role.

This 6 foot 3, 202 pound man has been blessed with a sienna complexion (when it hasn't been kissed by the Phoenix sun) and the ability to walk into a room with his model stature and turn heads. He can wear a suit that can make even the fashion designer jealous. His easy smile makes the ladies wonder if he's really just acting the parts he plays. But Kevin is more than a good-looking man and great actor, he has a charismatic flair that brings a smile to your face. He can make the average sistah feel like she deserves all of his attention and will dutifully give it to her.

Kevin graduated from Delaware State University with a degree in journalism/communications. Besides the skills he obtained there, he also has skills as a writer and motivational speaker. And he is a black man that takes care of his two beautiful daughters, even though distance separates them.

Kevin simply has the compassion, the charm, the passion, the ambition and the sex appeal that every woman wants and without conceitedness. And I had the pleasure of meeting him on the first movie I ever worked on. He is not just the sexiest brothaman alive, he is simply a great friend.

Now Meet the sexy runners-up. Click on the links to learn more about how their stunning good looks go hand-in-hand with their passion for life, learning, and family:

Essay on Jeffrey Bowens Essay onMaurice Gardner

Essay on Dwayne Hinton